front cover of book titled objects in a field black text on white background a black and white photo of a bridge black text on white background a black and white photo of a lobby black text on white background a black and white photo of stairs and trees from above black text on white background a black and white photo of the edge of a road and trees behing the guard rail black text on white background a black and white photo of a window with tree branches in front black text on white background a black and white photo of the edge of a bridge and river below black text on white background a black and white photo of a stairwell black text on white background a black and white photo of an intersection at night black text on white background a black and white photo of a fence from above black text on white background a black and white photo of trees along a body of water black text on white background a black and white photo of a spiderweb in front of a camera and road in the background black text on white background a black and white photo of headlights black text on white background a black and white photo of rain black text on white background a black and white photo lights and scratch marks black text on white background a black and white photo of drops of water obscuring the lens black text on white background a black and white photo horizontal scan lines and lights black text on white background a low res black and white photo with lights black text on white background a black and white photo of noise on screen black text on white background a black and white photo distorted video lines black text on white background a black and white photo distorted video lines
Objects in a Field

7.5 x 6 in/ 40 pages

I took the photographs in this book remotely, using streaming cameras that I found online. The texts describe people moving like ghosts through these spaces, unseen.

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